Little Raleigh Thomson is sooo handsome!! Look at that cute face!! Raleigh's siblings are truly some of the sweetest kids I've ever worked with – it was a joy to have them there! Raleigh's dad is a professional golfer, and while Daddy travels for golf, Mommy always has her hands full with three kids (and trust me, I can relate). I love little Raleigh, and I can't wait to watch him grow!
Oh my goodness!! Look at THIS little mermaid! She is so adorable!! Mommy Renee, Daddy Derek, Sister Pressley, and Brother Cruz were so excited for the arrival of precious little Layla Dunlap. Layla looks a lot like her sister Pressley, which means she's destined to be beautiful – just like her sister! Newborns just warm my heart, but Miss Layla absolutely STEALS my heart!! World, it's time for you to meet little Layla Dunlap!
Oh! My heart!! Look at THIS cutie patootie!! Welcome to the world, Eloise Brashier! I absolutely love these portraits! Mom Cynthia and Dad Austin both really love playing the guitar. So, what did they do? They brought a guitar! That gave this shoot just an extra touch of uniqueness! Eloise is Mom and Dad's first child -- their miracle baby! The birth of a newborn truly is a miracle! Little Eloise is absolutely stunning, and I can't wait to watch her grow!
Three's the charm... A charming little girl, that is!! Look how BEAUTIFUL Lydia Tate Estoye is! Such a doll!! I know Mom Jorie and Dad Josh were so excited to finally have a little girl! And little does Lydia know, but she was born into a SUPERHERO family!! A family of firefighters, Indian warriors, and masked heroes--I'd say she's protected for life! Big brothers Lyric and Echo are going to absolutely love having a new sister in the house! Lydia is absolutely breathtaking!
They say what goes around comes around, and sometimes that's a good thing! :) Mommy Kelsey Mitchum, an OB nurse, is used to taking care of pregnant women. Then, it became her turn to need an OB nurse for herself. Everyone, meet precious little McCrae Grace Mitchum!! Kelsey and Matt have a new road ahead of them to discover as they raise their first child. Kelsey and I are "two peas in a pod" with our love for newborns, and Daddy Matt was an absolute natural with McCrae! Mom and Dad, I cannot believe how BEAUTIFUL your little girl is!! So gorgeous!
ATTENTION!!! New parents on the block!! Jessica and Bryson, little Bryleigh Baltz is absolutely STUNNING (just like her mom)!! Bryleigh, with her head of dark hair and beautiful blue eyes, is blessed to have her mom's characteristics! This family is absolutely breathtaking! What an Easter surprise! I can't wait to watch little Bryleigh grow! Congratulations, Jessica and Bryson... She's such a little princess!!
Look out, World, it's the "Super Bowl Baby"!! "Why's this little man called that?" you may ask. Well, that's because Curtis Taylor was born on Super Bowl Sunday!! What a day to be born on! Mommy Lyndsay was my son's Kindergarten teacher, and I know she and Daddy Breck were so excited to meet handsome little Curtis. And big brother Will is going to have so much fun with his new brother! I was so happy to see this family grow, especially since I took Will's newborn portraits in the past. Curtis Taylor is beyond precious!
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the newest Latimer family addition, Reid McAlister Latimer! Reid, A.K.A. "Mac," is Leslie and Ross's second child, and I know big brother Taylor is excited to have a new little brother! I was so excited to get to see this family again (I photographed Taylor, the New Year's baby, when he was born)!! It's always so heart-warming to watch a family grow! What made this photo shoot even more special is Grandma got to tag along! I cannot believe how flawless Mac's skin is! So beautiful!!
Through the birth of their new little angel, Mommy and Daddy Fey have become new parents!! There's nothing sweeter than two people becoming loving parents for the first time. And Jackson Fey, their newborn, is absolutely ADORABLE!! Couldn't you just eat him up?!? From a king to a tiger to a fisherman at sea, little Jackson got to show us his cute little personality during his photoshoot! Mommy and Daddy are so excited to have Jackson in their lives, and they're all having a whale of a time as they discover the art of parenting!!
Oh boy, oh boy! It's their 4th little BOY!!!
The Sanders Family already had their hands full with three boys, and now there are FOUR!! Meet handsome little Smith Sanders! I love when I get to talk to mom Christie -- I see her regularly at swim meets and baseball. And with his three older brother playing sports, it just seems apparent that Smith will love sports too! Don't you think he makes such a CUTE baseball player?!?
Ahhh!!! I was so excited about this shoot!! Why? Because this is my sister-in-law Ashleigh, and... she's having another baby!! Daddy Jimmy and big brother Harrison couldn't be more excited to meet this new little angel! This time, they're having a GIRL!! Her name? Nora June Bundren! I cannot believe how BEAUTIFUL this shoot turned out! Nora June, coming soon!
(By the way, does Ashleigh's face look familiar? She was in my newborn photography video!)
I had such a fun time photographing Erin Berry! And this year, she's a SENIOR!! So exciting! Erin loves softball, and I know Eastside High School is lucky to have her on their team!! I truly enjoyed talking with Erin as I took her senior portraits--and wow! Look how photogenic she is! And I know when Erin moves away her mom is going to greatly miss her! I can't wait to see where the future takes Erin! Congratulations on graduating with the Class of 2016!
Know any seniors? Send them my way!
Mr. Sawyer Duncan is now the BIG NUMBER ONE!!! He's such a cutie! I had the privilege of taking his newborn portraits, so I was SO excited to get to see him again. And boy has he grown!! Parents Kelley and Brian are both professional golfers, and I can totally see little Sawyer doing the same. I think he's ready for his first set of clubs!! I can't wait to see what the future holds for growing little Sawyer!
Big Sister Lilly is so proud to announce the birth of her new little sister, Lucy Mulkey! Isn't she just a doll--actually, both of them?? The Mulkey family has two GORGEOUS children!! For this photo session, Mommy and Daddy wanted to use some family heirlooms, and that makes these portraits even more special! I can't wait to watch this family grow! The Mulkey's are also big Alabama football fans--congratulations on winning the 2016 National Title!
Baby Ashlin is so, so beautiful!! Mommy Nichole said it best when she called Ashlin her "Angel Baby"! What a miracle she is! She is absolutely STUNNING! Both of her parents are in the medical world, and although they get to see all kinds of things throughout the day, nothing compares to the birth of their own child. I know that as Ashlin continues to grow older, her big brother is going to be by her side to protect her. Mommy and Daddy (and Big Brother), congratulations––Ashlin is BEYOND precious!
Big sister Lillian Bay would like to introduce you to... Landon Webb, her new little brother!! Look at how cute that face is! How handsome! Paul and Sally, you make GORGEOUS babies!! These two children have wonderful parents, and they're so blessed to have an Aunt Miley too! I just can't get enough of this family, and I can't wait to watch these precious kids grow up!
Amanda, Michael, and big brother Hudson would like to introduce you to... Henry Michael Hamet!! What a STUD!! Oh, and we can't forget The Hamet Family's furry baby -- Otis! Such a cute doggy! I had the pleasure of photographing Henry's older brother Hudson when he was born, and it was so fun to get to see him all grown up. And now he's a BIG BROTHER! This family is just beautiful! What a handsome crew!!
It's Eli Rice!! Big brother Deacon is so proud of his little brother. I have three boys of my own, so I know what it's like to have a house full of BOYS, and there's nothing sweeter! I absolutely loved working with this family to capture little Eli in his fresh, newborn skin. They contributed some really cool ideas to the shoot, and they turned out SUPER CUTE!!! Eli is just so stinkin' cute!! Just plain ADORABLE!!
What a LOVE BUG!! Little Miss Emma Claire Brooks is already a whole 10 pounds and growing fast! Look at that little face! My goodness!! If anyone knows me, they'll know I'm a huge Auburn fan, and Mommy and Daddy are also big Auburn fans! WAR EAGLE!!! I just can't get enough of precious Emma... She's so beautiful! My heart is full! <3
Look out, World! Here come the Jones's! Little Aaron is the newest addition to The Jones Family, and Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more excited to have him here! During the session, Grandma was busily knitting him a little hat... His head will NEVER go cold!! And between Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Aunt Kelly, I don't think they'll ever put him down! And why would they?! This is TRULY one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen!!! I just can't get enough of little Aaron Jones!!
Please join me in welcoming little brother Logan!! What an amazing family this is. Because while they have so, so much to rejoice about with newborn Logan, they also need your prayers... Logan's 2 year old sister, Lei, is fighting neuroblastoma – a form of cancer. Their faith could absolutely move mountains! Everyone please pray for Lei. You cannot find a family more beautiful that this! Ladies and gentlemen, The Barksdale Family!
The Kineard's have a new addition! It's little Max Kineard!! I've been taking this family's photos since big brother Owen was born. Last year Max and Owen's dad was transferred to southern Georgia to be a high school football coach, but they travelled all the way back to Greenville just so I could have the honor of taking precious Max's photos. These photos absolutely crack me up!! Just look at Max's FACIAL EXPRESSIONS!! Silly boy!
The CUTENESS cannot be contained!! Catherine Wood has turned ONE! I remember when Mommy, Daddy, and Big Brother Daniel were just announcing the birth of precious little Catherine... and now she's a whole year old! I can hardly believe it! It's been so fun and heartwarming to watch Miss Catherine grow. And what better way to celebrate your first birthday than digging into some cake? Yum!! I could just eat her up (and the icing she has on her face wouldn't taste half bad, either)! Happy Birthday, Catherine!!
Kaitlyn Clark is now two!! I've had the absolute privilege of photographing Miss Kaitlyn ever since she was born... and I can't believe she's now two years old! What a JOY it has been to see her grow!! She was fussy during her newborn shoot, but just look at her now!! Could that perfect face ever scream and cry?!? Our family goes to church with The Clark Family, and it just so happened by coincidence that Kim won this session for free at one of my open houses! I can't wait to continue to watch Little Kaitlyn grow!!
A few weeks ago, I posted Eve and Brent Dixon's maternity portraits on the blog as they awaited the arrival of precious little William, and now... HE'S FINALLY HERE!!! He came two weeks early and with a whole lot of excitement. Because, after all, he is the FIRST grandchild on both Mommy and Daddy's side of the family!! I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that this little cutie will be beyond spoiled rotten! And would you just look at that full head of hair! Oh my goodness! Look out, everybody... There's a new Prince William in town!
The Ream Family had a house full of three little boys. (Wow, can I relate!!) But... baby #4 came with a PINK bow this time!!! It's Miss Milly Ream! Milly is so lucky to have three older brothers to protect her in her days to come. She is such an angel, and having her three brothers along for the session made my job of photographing them that much more special. Mommy Nicole, who wears so many hats, is making being a mother of four look simple. What a PRECIOUS and GORGEOUS family they are!!
The Hatcher's are proud to announce the arrival of their newborn, Polly Hatcher. Look how sweet and cute she is!! Oh my goodness!! And big sister Ellie couldn't be any more excited! With all that this family has been through, little Miss Polly couldn't have come at a better time. During the time I got to spend with this amazing family, Big Sister Ellie absolutely stole my heart! She is, no doubt, the new Shirley Temple in town!! Polly and Ellie are blessed to have each other to go through life with as best friends! They are two gorgeous little girls!!
SURPRISE!!! It's Miss Avery Kate Brashier! Last fall I photographed this absolutely beautiful family, but little did anyone know that Walt and Melissa would be adding baby #3 to their family this summer. Everyone's so excited that Avery is finally here, including brother and sister, Hayden and Ella! I think little Avery is going to look just like Mommy when she gets older with those stunning blue eyes! Just look how PRECIOUS she is (and her siblings, too)!! She's perfect!
The Prestons "2nd baby"!! But he holds a much closer place in his parents' hearts than the DOGGY does!!! Precious little Andrew just entered the big, new world and even got to go home to his nautical themed nursery. I had the privilege of taking Sabrina's maternity portraits, and it's been so fun to get to know her and Zack through this loving moment of meeting their son. Congratulations Zack and Sabrina! Little Andrew has two great, loving parents! (And thank you, Grandma, for the HUGE help during the newborn session!)
The Dixon Family has a little one on the way, and he's coming this fall! There's a lot that awaits little William when he finally gets to meet the world. From two loving parents to a nautical themed nursery to those crazy Saturdays watching Clemson football with Daddy. He has a lot to look forward to... and he doesn't even know it!! He also has one smart mom to help him with his homework when he gets older (because, after all, she's a teacher at my kids school - go AJ Whittenberg!) I just can't wait to meet Baby William Dixon!
Precious little Hartley... Where do I begin? What an ANGEL!! Look at that cute, little face! She absolutely warms my heart. Her mom and dad brought her all the way from their home in North Carolina just so I could capture this short moment of her lifetime on camera. I feel so blessed! Hartley is Seth and Brittney's firstborn child... It's always special to see two wonderful people become new mommies and daddies. XOXO
What FUN this shoot was! The Hollis Family has been one of my most loyal customers, and I was honored to be able to photograph them yet again. We should have brought our inner tubes to this location. I rolled up my pants and treaded knee deep in the water to get the perfect shot, and Mrs. Hollis did too... well, sorta. She slipped and fell and got her back wet. Whoops! What a beautiful family they were and a joy to work with! And Mr. and Mrs. Hollis's kids? Two cutie pies!